While Idaho is great fun... nothing compares to beach time. From July 13-20, we were soaking up sun and living the LIFE. A beach house that was a hop, skip and a jump away from the sand... a private room, with a balcony looking at the ocean... Morning walks on the beach, and SO much more.
Saturday was driving day. Which, for normal people and normal distances, is not a problem. But 12 hours in a mini van with 7 people? It was a zoo on wheels. To top it off, I get VERY car-sick. Oh, did I mention I was already really really sick? And that I threw up in the car before we even hit the freeway? Car ride from h-e-double-hockey-sticks.
This is how Clark spent the majority of the drive.
He's not used to being the passenger!
Yes the car ride was rough. But 5 minutes at the beach house, and I had completely forgotten about it. Why, you ask? Just LOOK at this amazing view... HELLO MISSION BAY.
Determined to waste not a single moment, we took off for Petco Park for the Giants vs Padres game.
I was so excited, and I got to be with Clark for his very first Major League game! He is a Giants fan, so it was absolutely perfect. We bought shirts for the occasion, of course :) And the Padres mascot caught us supporting the "other team"...
Ball park franks, bigger than my face. What else would we have for dinner?
As the 7th inning rolled around, we realized something... It was currently a no-hitter game. Which is huge, for all you non-baseball fans out there.
And guess what? Bottom of the 9th, Lincecum delivered. NO-FREAKING-HITTER. Clark's first MLB game and it's a NO-HITTER. Unbelievable. Please just appreciate Clark's face. I don't think I've ever seen him THIS excited haha!
Number one. Love me some summer night baseball.
Sunday was relaxing. We began our day with a morning walk on the beach, which we would end up doing almost every morning. Walks on the beach are fantastic, but walks with Clark? Just the best. We found 18 jellyfish that morning. Apparently it was mating season and the strong currents were bringing them into shore. Half of my family would end up getting stung... and I got stung 3 times. Not as painful as I expected!
For everyone who truly knows me, the next set of pictures will not come as a surprise. For those who don't know... I am hopelessly obsessed with Spanish Catholic Missions. The architecture, the grounds, everything. My mom and dad took me to the San Juan Capistrano Mission a number of years ago and I've been in love ever since. The best part? It was Festival of the Bells at the San Diego Mission!
Here are the bells that this mission is known for. Absolutely gorgeous.
P.S. We had JUST come from an LDS church service, which is why we are all dressed up. So yes, we actually went to our own church in addition to the Catholic Mission.
After I had my fill of the mission, we went to the Mormon Battalion Historic Site. Although the presentation was quite cheesy, I learned so much about the Mormon Battalion that I hadn't known before.
Dad found his ancestor on the database, and Clark found one of his as well.
Dad found his ancestor on the database, and Clark found one of his as well.
Honorary members... such an honor.
And, of course, we finished off our Sunday at the beach!
Monday was a beach day. Which resulted in Jelly fish stings for one and all :) Clark and I were no exception. Clark is pointing to his on his stomach, and mine is my whole shin (if you look closely my shin is bright red with a white welt in the middle)
Two things I learned. 1. It really doesn't hurt THAT bad. 2. Peeing on it doesn't actually work. Huge thanks to the lifeguards who told us that BEFORE we tried it haha.
Tuesday was Sea World!
And right when we walked in... BEAVER. Obviously, I have to touch and play with every animal I see. I have to. So I did, even though Clark rolled his eyes like 20 times.
Dolphin Show... and really good food! And... Clark's faces...
Sea Lion show :)
Sierra and I had to demonstrate where we got stung by jellyfish the day before.
I make no effort to hide my love for minions. It's an obsession. So when we saw "Despicablimp", I literally almost started crying. Such excitement.
BUT. That excitement was soon topped by this....
We swam with these beauties :) I had thrown the idea out to Clark a few months earlier, for my early birthday present. I didn't actually expect him to say yes!!! First, we got to go back and meet Obi, a humongous walrus. He's blind too, which is sad. Loved him. He gave us kisses on our hands!
And here is a video of the cute guy!
We also got to see polar bears, but they were sleeping so... pretty lame.

Sorry for the picture overload but SERIOUSLY. So in love with these guys. The one with the pinkish head/greyish body is Ruby and the all-white big guy is Nanuk :)
We got to see (and be) penguins!
And what is Sea World without some Shamu time?
And of course, shark time.
Well.... this post is already huge, so I'm going to make a Part 3.
Stay tuned.
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