This boy. He is everything to me.
Seriously though, how handsome is this guy? I like him a lot.
We celebrated our first anniversary yesterday.
525,600 minutes of marriage, and Clark has made every one of those minutes so special.
I'm still a novice at this marriage thing, but I have learned many valuable lessons during the past year:
- Not all men leave the toilet seat up. In fact, Clark has only left it up once during our first year of marriage. 99.7% accuracy. If putting the toilet seat down was a professional sport, he would go pro.
- You get your husband "as is". Very few things change once your married. If he sings the Idaho state song every time you cross the border into his home state, chances are he will continue to do that. Every. Time.
- Not all men are slobs. In fact, I think I married the cleanest one on the planet. Shout out to my fearless husband who coddles his germaphobic little wife. I don't do bathrooms. Clark has graciously volunteered to adopt that as his permanent chore.
- Sometimes your husband has a tendency to put empty boxes (cereal, crackers, etc...) back into the cupboards. It was funny the first time, but when you get excited about eating a granola bar and all you find is an empty box... Just smile and put it in the garbage. Choose your battles.
- If you are easily frightened by scary movies, make sure to set something in front of the red light on your TV before going to bed. Because if you don't, you will wake up thinking it's a pair of red eyes and that something is out to get you. Naturally, you will wake your husband up to rescue you from your half-asleep panic. When he gets over to the TV to block the red light, there might be a Furby sitting next to the TV. Which then scares your half-asleep husband, who hates the Furby and really wants it out of the apartment. Do the world a favor. Block the red light before bed.
- When your husband is a computer nerd, understand that malfunctioning technology will require his full and undivided attention for an extended period of time. And if your husband inadvertently ruins the hard drive in his computer, there will be a period of mourning. Try to be understanding and supportive during this time.
- On that note, sometimes your husband gets back from work and wants to tell you about fixing complicated computer things at work. Using all the lingo and long words he deems appropriate. Yes, it will appear that he is speaking in tongues and, yes, you will be completely lost for the next ten minutes. We call this "geeking out". Just try to remember all the times his extensive knowledge about computers has miraculously saved your technology. He's brilliant really.
- If your husband served his mission in Italy, your pasta won't be authentic enough for his taste. Revel in the fact that this means he will be cooking dinner at least once a week. And it will be delicious.
- Before I was married, sharing a story that involved sound effects (for example- a car crash) wasn't scrutinized for accuracy. Just know that every once in awhile, your husband will need to show you how it's done. His explosion sounds outshine my own in every category.
- Husbands don't understand pictures. There's only so much smiling that Clark can handle before the weird faces start coming out (if you know Clark, no explanation is needed). Choose your kodak moments judiciously. Your husband also doesn't care about what Instagram filter you use on said picture, so don't ask.
While there has been a learning curve, I wouldn't trade marriage for anything.
He wakes up at 5 in the morning, runs to the store, and surprises me with cake doughnuts.
He saved my mom's pictures from the past 6 years (which are her LIFE) after a computer crash.
He supports me in everything. Every Student Government event, every club activity, you name it.
He gives the BEST foot massages.
He supports my crafting bug. No, he won't understand the point of a spring wreath on our front door... but he lets me do it anyways.
He wakes me up every morning, because I'm just too tired to realize I turned my alarm off already.
He buys me my favorite (and expensive) juice during a certain week of the month. Because it's yummy and it's one of the only things that can take my mind off cramps.
He does 3/4 of the Sunday School lessons because he knows how uncomfortable and nervous I am.
He helps me win games with Chase and Ali when he is losing. Ali tells him to stop loving me so much :)
He is as spontaneous as me. Water coloring for a date night? His idea.
He doesn't tease me when I cry over the death of a pet fish.
He knows I'm emotional with weird things. He gets me.
He knows that sometimes, nothing makes me happier than surprising me with flowers.
He makes me laugh. Every day. All the time. I can't help but be happy when I'm around him.
Happy anniversary to my best friend for life.
Clark and Hayley sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love...then comes marriage...then comes...I'll let you finish the rest. You know my vote. :)