Playing catch up...

Remember how I used to be good at blogging? Good times.
Life happens.
By life I mean... I don't have one.
I am probably going to be the first person to die of over-commitment.

So here are the highlights of the past month!

Last week, I hosted a Ladies Night event with President and Paige Holland.
Little bit of background... I teamed up with the Women's Success Center and about 4 other campus organizations to put this event on. I'm not going to say much about it but... bad decision. Let's just say a certain organization has made my life a living hell nightmare the past month and a half. Because of all the insane stress, I had multiple panic attacks and developed lactose intolerance (which has magically disappeared after all the stress left) and ocular migraines (which have also disappeared). So while the event was great and we did good things... the event being over is probably the best thing that has happened to me this year.  Here are some lovely instagrams from that evening:

We had the most DELICIOUS treats ever. Italian Ice. 

 Here is my lovely chandelier. And yes, it's mine.
The fabulous staff at UVU made it for me for one of my events last year.
So, it's mine... I just let UVU borrow it... ;)

 The flower centerpieces were amazing. No surprise, I chose purple and green...
We gave out book scholarships, and my best committee member won it.
Super thrilled!

Another happy tidbit. Midterms are this week. I have 18 credits, I'm on Student Government, I work in the Intramurals Department and as a UVU Orientation leader, and I'm in a club presidency. AND I HAVE A 4.0 STILL. How? I have no idea. No freaking idea. Maybe waking up at 3 in the morning multiple times to study has something to do with it...

The other exciting event was that Sierra, my little big sister (she's taller....) got her mission call!!! Here are some pictures from that exciting day :)
Arizona Tuscon Mission!
She leaves May 15th!
Notice her hair is still normal looking....

This picture is when she realized she was speaking Spanish haha.
And there goes the hair....

 Hugs for mom...

 ...and hugs for dad...

 ... and hugs for sisters! 
She was obviously crying. Obviously.
No judging haha.

The call that sat on my mom's mantle for DAYS.
That's self control right there!

Well, that's all the excitement I can think of... Hopefully my next post will have a smaller time lapse than this one?? Hopefully. :)



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