New adventures

So.. I have a new job. In addition to my other one. Because I'm just not busy enough right??
I'm a UVU Orientation Leader.
Today was my first orientation and I shadowed an O-leader from last year.

Yay for new freshman....
I imparted my most valuable wisdom from my 4 years at UVU.

1. The best place to sleep is on the 5th floor of the library. West side. Just be careful because people will take pictures of you and post it to Instagram. @uvusleeps. It's a real thing.
2. If you are late to all of your classes on the first day, it's OK.
3. Don't take pizza to the library. The librarians will freak out at you. and I mean FREAK OUT. Cinnamon rolls and sandwiches, you're golden. But pizza... Don't even bother.
4. UVUSA is the best. Don't forget it. 
5. Don't take the elevators in the WB or the LC buildings. They rattle really bad and it's SCARY. At some point, they will break and it WILL be while you are in them.
6. If you are ever hungry at school, do not fret. Somewhere on campus there is ALWAYS free popcorn. Just follow your nose.

Me and Lacey. She's new too. I call her Licorice though. Long story. 

Me and my cute lil' group. Actually, the biggest group. 
The guy on the far right = total creeper status the whole orientation.

All of the O-leaders. 
We're pretty cute. And weird.

And now, ladies and gentlemen.
 I present to you, for your viewing enjoyment...
the best picture of the day.

Guy in the brown jacket...

I'm married kid.



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